iN SEARCH OF SATISFACTION AND Mental excercise Powerful, novel methodolgy for valuing strategies of resistance and victory. Addresses the context of various global regions and which strategies are quick and effective besides inevitable! Annihilat
We have A Plan
Published on April 17, 2004 By Infinite Humanity In Welcome
Friday, April 16, 2004


An-Nihilism says that movements must grasp the unity of all struggles.

The value of anyone or any concept/strategy lies in its power to defeat the Empire. We should strive to describe the values and workings of the world that we hope to construct Post-Empire because this helps to recruit and educate true revolutionaries. But there is only one way the world will function Post-Empire. Material and knowledge cooperation and mutual aid will be unavoidable. Decentralization and participatory democratic planning will just happen or be expected and demanded. People everywhere are well aware of what they want and how different it will be.

Awareness of the sacrifices needed to get there – and the time frame involved is missing.

Contributions to the process of this World Revolution and a General Theory of Revolutionary Change are solicited. If you believe that a world revolution to topple the Empire and throw-down all of the global elite is the primary goal then tell the world how an alternative plan—or additions to the plan presented here -- would speed up or improve the swift accomplishment of our common goals.

Communiqués to –

Part I – not published as of April – 004

Part II – Draft without updated comments can be located at:

Useful Historical Documents:

General Theory of Revolutionary Change:

Planet Earth (part III)

Distributed by An-Nihilist Central Committee: Beautiful Days
: We speak to all the soldiers of the Coalition of the Willing and
other infidel troops and mercenaries; And we speak to all of those
who want to escape this trap of the False Christians who run the Empire:

For French Revolution Graphics and a Fiery essay by fellow AN-Nihilists see:

______________WE HAVE A PLAN!

Fifth Column Guerrilla Warfare inside the Empire with specific focus on
undermining the Core of the Beast: USA.

Most revolutionaries agree that the problem we face is one of a ruthless and massive immoral empire based in the USA and supported by millions of elite in Europe and around the world. They have built a system of oligarchic super-capitalism that destroys the planet and destroys people’s awareness and their will to fight through diversions, mind control (TV, Consumerism, Church collusion) and fear. ANOMIE (n) social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values / alienation and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals.

Background to Previous Periods of Anomie and Empire Collapse

In the Russia of 1860-1905, the philosophy, practice and reality of Nihilism built itself from the vacuum – the killing wind – and the quiet before the storm of world wars, revolution, counter-revolution and purges that were about to cover this land bigger than Europe – and more diverse!

And likewise, today, the US Empire and its Euro disciples face the same ripping tornados of change: social, moral, educational and spiritual, Post-Modernism is today’s degraded and hollow excuse for Nihilism – or so it would seem, but many are now prepared to resurrect and refine Nihilism and make it a force of power from the grassroots base - a force to reckon with.


A strategy of change must recognize and adapt to the context of a particular situation. Marxists have many insights to the workings of capitalism and imperialism. But their strategy of change is of little use from a global perspective in the world of 2004 where the context is manifest in a USA Empire determined to create wars that it can control, escalate and use to its advantage. The same was true in 1939 with the working classes of the world – and especially Germany – weak, divided and in many cases bought off and supportive of wars, genocide, imperialism and the status quo. As discussed in Part I., the working classes through alliances could achieve Marx’s goals in a few regions, but their perpetuation will depend on the outcome and their support to guerrilla wars in their own regions against entrenched fascists and against USA-EURO support to these fascists and to subversion, sabotage and counter revolution. This time – even more than in previous periods – only global revolution holds hope of a meaningful victory for the masses.

The Russian Nihilists lived in a time of complete change, chaos and warp-speed cultural disintegration. Anomie was the reality of the day. In such times it is confusing to explain what the problem is or the solution – sometimes they seem the same! So some would call the times of Russia (1860-1905) nihilistic – a time of “not anything” – so too the Nihilists based their philosophy of action on not believing in anything that existed in this “not anything” world. In a world without morals – no moral arguments are valid. During a period of nihilism nothing is certain, predictable or understandable – except the expectation of change. It is fascinating to read about Russia in this period when there was no way to know how the empire would change from Czars, Orthodox Popes and a backward and primitive economy made up of peasants still operating in ancient ways. And yet Russia changed in 40 years to become a gigantic industrial and urban conglomeration that ultimately fought the German Nazis to a standstill. At a cost of 20 million lives the Soviets and the USSR stopped the Germans from taking over most of the world and killing 100s of millions.

We live in a time of nihilism. Granted, encyclopedias might instead call the current world dilemma: anarchy or the breakdown of international law and order. The times we live are even more nihilistic than during the Russia of 1860-1905. Even the weather, the temperature, the ocean currents, the sea level, the ice caps and the genetic structure of all things are uncertain, changing and creating complexes of nihilism and the impossibility of understanding the consequences. Such times call forth Nihilists to correct such bottlenecks of sanity and awareness.

Can you tell me what will happen in the world in 10 years? Can you tell me what we should do that stands a chance or making sense and changing this dire situation? How do we stop or adapt to global warming?

To survive periods of nihilism – you have to be a Nihilist.

To avoid confusion over the Nihilists of Russian and that time period we call our movement and its current application AN-Nihilist and it draws from Anarchist and Nihilist inspirations, strategies and tactics.

An An-nihilist strives to understand purpose and human nature within objective context; supports free minds and free thought; and aims to vitiate all authority or ideology that opposes An-Nihilism or the Global Strategy of Resistance and maximum violence against the Core of Evil: Beast USA. An An-Nihilist reaches out to other conspirators to build a new Faith of dedication –the Faith of Ubermensch –- through deeds and mutual aid.

We lead by example. We are the nightmare of corrupt authority; we work for no one but our victory, no one owns us or our thoughts. We can't be bought. We have minds and voices, and use both. We say what we want when we want and if we are wrong then we listen to the opposing argument and make a reasoned decision. That's what an An-nihilist should be. We believe in the righteousness of our cause and its eventual victory, but we also admit that it is impossible to be sure of anything in this world, be it a strategy, leader or a goal – all is anomie, nihilism and the fog of hate.

I fear no man, ... [though beware the traitors and opportunists]

I fear no God, ... [though those who do must not be underestimated]

I seek no heaven, ... [except the relative heaven that may yet exist on Earth]

I fear no hell, ... [Hell is everywhere]

I have no heroes, ... [all martyrs in the cause are heroes and all of us are potential martyrs]

I have no [unproven] faith, [I live to fight and I die for a chance at victory]

I bow before no one. ... [I listen to the arguments of all who fight for the cause]

I am an [An-] Nihilist. ... [Together we are greater than the limits placed on our humanity –]

By Dune ... [ … ] by Sofia

Death to Government that is not Local, Fully Participatory and Egalitarian-Based

State-sponsored mass murder is not a natural state of affairs but rather one that must be organized and engineered by a central authority, such as Mehmed Talât Pasha, Ismail Enver Pasha, and Ahmed Djemal, Stalin, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Nixon… Yeltsin, Grachov, Clinton, Putin and the Bush (es).

There will always be warfare and conflict, but An-Nihilists will assure that no powerful central government ever lasts for long. The bigger and more distant power is from the people the worse it gets. The individualistic manipulations and capitalist slavery of: play our games of mass murder and we will reward you with pleasures and heaven – must end.

An-Nihilism offers continuity by providing a society that resists the complete immorality of the current human relations and fights for a goal that will reintroduce a natural and harmonious morality of a purpose to make life simple -- with little opportunity for exploitation, delusion, or envy. The most virulent cultures spread until they destroy those that don't perpetuate well. Get a solid perspective, know your place and things will start to make sense. Otherwise, the ego and the delusion of self-importance clouds one’s judgment and everyone follows along unaware of their manipulation, evil and the options for change.

The situation in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and spreading into Chechnya, Turkey, Iraq and Pakistan, is not addressed in depth in this plan. A diversity of problems, hates and US or colonial time bombs will continue to haunt the region and guarantee decades of war and civil war. Our view on this region is that nothing will be conclusive there until the victories in Latin America, Europe and North America are conclusive and the empire is crushed. This is tragic for the people of Southwest Asia, but it benefits the overall struggle by tying up US forces, attention and resources; and by recruiting millions of Jihadi warriors for who the West has no answers, no morality or vision. Fortunate indeed are the global resistance forces to have these allies: the global mujahideen; the Chechen murids, abreks and women warriors; and all the shahid past, present and future.

Our contribution to victory for the people of the Middle East lies in our firm support to Al Qaeda, the GIA in Algeria and all forces fighting against centralized governments that are backed by the empire and its dollars. An issue addressed throughout this analysis argues that since the context is so different in each region, the strategies of the people; their motivations and goals; and their politics and ideology will vary greatly. An-Nihilists believe that everyone has the right to resist in their own way in these times of Anomie The overall global context is similar to the world of 1942-44 (or in Spain 1935-39) when resistance groups began to work together in common cause despite their extreme differences in ideology. This is such a time – or worse – and we can only hope that when the smoke clears in 20 or 30 years and we have devolved empire into dozens of new countries on our road to even greater decentralization, that Islam and other rallying causes in the greater Middle Eastern region will find peace both socially and among themselves. Then a new epoch of cooperation, mutual respect for human rights and peace will be able to grow there and everywhere.

To wait for the perfect revolution is suicide and irresponsible.

What if Marx, Trotsky or our instincts and prejudices are all wrong? Perhaps now is our only chance to stop the Empire. Their bio-techno and military research grows daily. Soon, driven by their evil, the Empire may achieve invincibility – and then what will you say?

For now there is war and all freedom fighters of the resistance deserve maximum and mutual respect.
Let us learn through our struggles and listen to each other as we approach our great victories.

Educate, discuss and respect tradition and new ideas.

The Strength of Nechayev-

on Apr 18, 2004
Buy cellphone or pager w/ service with no ID - to last a while you give address to pick up the bill (in a fake name) - even though the gov. could listen to cell phone or pager v mail - how will they know who U are -- in most state they cannot tell where you are - epsecially if you move around - Simple codes - words substituted for Buzz - Key Searchg Words (NSA types) and prearranged misinfo cues - enable one to speak freely enough and coordinate strikes, hits, fun. games... Using only other fake name cell phones and pagers and pay phones - keeps them from ever putting your number or voice to an address - voice modification technoilogy could also be of use. Use a pager or phone voice mail as a check in center by giving the code for the v. mail to people - then leave messages for each other "inside"

What is the most secure means of communication?
Board of Education 16 Apr 2004 21:30 GMT

Lets see what all of us can come up with.
Lets find out different means of reliable, secure means
of communications.

This is very important in a time when our rights
suddenly are threatened worldwide by a number of
ruthless, all snooping - all seeing authority being
pushed down on people.

This is a good "homework" for the weekend.

Lets see what all of us can come up with.
Lets find out different means of reliable, secure
means of communications.
Means of communications
regardless of technology, or computers.

Any means of communications - the most secure ones.

Cell phones and pagers

You can buy a cell phone or pager with service without ever showing an ID -
if you want it to last a while (months - or longer than you pay for ) you will have to
give an address where you can pick up the bill
(in a fake name)

- anyway - even though the government could listen
easily to your cell phone or pager voice mail
- how will they know who you are -- in most state they
cannot even tell where you are
- epsecially if you move around - not in a straight line -- !

Simple codes - words substituted for Buzz -
Key Searchg Words (NSA types) and some
prearranged misinformation cues - should enable one to speak freely enough and to
coordinate strikes, hits, fun and games...

Using only other fake name cell phones and pagers and pay phones - keeps them from ever putting your number or voice to an address - voice modification technoilogy could also be of use.

NOTE - you can use a pager or phone voice mail
as a check-in center by giving the code
for the voice mail to key people
- then you can leave messages for each other
the voice mail - this simplifies the number of calls and may reduce their intercept points.

on May 07, 2004
There have been ominous signs that our fragile liberties have been dramatically at risk since the 1970s when the white-shirt-blue-suit-discreet-tie FBI reinvented itself from a corps of "generalists," trained in law and accounting, into a confrontational "Special Weapons and Tactics" (aka SWAT) Green Beret-style army of warriors who like to dress up in camouflage or black ninja clothing and, depending on the caper, ski masks. In the early '80s an FBI super-SWAT team, the Hostage 270 Rescue Team, was formed. As so often happens in United States-speak, this group specialized not in freeing hostages or saving lives but in murderous attacks on groups that offended them like the Branch Davidians—evangelical Christians who were living peaceably in their own compound at Waco, Texas, until an FBI SWAT team, illegally using army tanks, killed eighty-two of them, including twenty-five children. This was 1993.

Post Tuesday, SWAT teams can now be used to go after suspect Arab Americans or, indeed, anyone who might be guilty of terrorism, a word without legal definition (how can you fight terrorism by suspending habeas corpus since those who want their corpuses released from prison are already locked up?). But in the post-Oklahoma City trauma, Clinton said that those who did not support his draconian legislation were terrorist coconspirators who wanted to turn "America into a safe house for terrorists." If the cool Clinton could so froth, what are we to expect from the overheated post-Tuesday Bush?

Incidentally, those who were shocked by Bush the Younger's shout that we are now "at war" with Osama should have quickly put on their collective thinking caps. Since a nation can only be at war with another nation-state, why did our smoldering if not yet burning bush come up with such a war cry? Think hard. This will count against your final grade. Give up? Well, most insurance companies have a rider that they need not pay for damage done by "an act of war." Although the men and women around Bush know nothing of war and less of our Constitution, they understand fund-raising. For this wartime exclusion, Hartford Life would soon be breaking open its piggy bank to finance Republicans for years to come. But the mean-spirited Washington Post pointed out that under U.S. case law, only a sovereign nation, not a bunch of radicals, can commit an "act of war." Good try, G.W. This now means that we the people, with our tax money, will be allowed to bail out the insurance companies, a rare privilege not afforded to just any old generation.

Although the American people have no direct means of influencing their government, their "opinions" are occasionally sampled through polls. According to a November 1995 CNN-Time poll, 55 percent of the people believe "the federal government has become so powerful that it poses a threat to the rights of ordinary citizens." Three days after Dark Tuesday, 74 percent said they thought, "It would be necessary for Americans to give up some of their personal freedoms." Eighty-six percent favored guards and metal detectors at public buildings and events. Thus, as the police state settles comfortably in place, one can imagine Cheney and Rumsfeld studying these figures, transfixed with joy. "It's what they always wanted, Dick."

"And to think we never knew, Don."

"Thanks to those liberals, Dick."


on Jun 18, 2004
From One Death Comes an Army of Shalids:
Nek Mohammad – Charisma and Allah, The Man the US Feared the Most


Nek Muhammad is one of the most brave and honorable shalid warriors – a true mujahedeen (holy warrior). The former Afghan war hero and Taliban commander belongs to the Yargulkhel clan of the Zalikhel sub-tribe of Ahmadzai Wazirs. "We haven’t done anything against our homeland and we cannot imagine harming Pakistan. All charges against me and my fellow tribesmen are unsubstantiated and based on hearsay," he stressed on May 8, 2004.

June 18, he was assassinated by a US hellfire missile fired from a UAV predator drone flying at 20,000 feet while Pakistani helicopters blasted the area. The surveillance platforms (satellites) used to target Mohammad are from the US and the Pentagon chief Rumsfeld authorized the attack. Six others were killed with Mohammed in the missile strike late Thursday. Pakistan lacks the sophisticated satellite technology necessary for such phone intercepts and acknowledges that it sometimes receives "technical help" from the Americans.

Nek Mohammad was the kind of man the US fears the most – more than Osama or Ayman al-Zawahri, because he was young, fearless, has strong roots in the Afghan border areas and was respected by the tribal chiefs in Pakistan. Bush and Rumsfeld feared Mohammad enough to risk the deaths of Karazi (the US Afghan puppet) and the military dictator stooge Pervez Musharraf, in Pakistan.

Nek Mohammad, along with his uncles Nur (Noor) Islam and Haji (Mohammad) Sharif, and two other comrades: Maulvi Mohammad Abbas, and Maulvi Abdul Aziz, were on top of the government’s wanted list since January for sheltering the mainly Central Asian fighters that the government calls foreigners.
As they are all Zalikhels, their sub-tribe came under tremendous pressure from South Waziristan’s political administration (and the USA) to form an armed lashkar and force the five men to surrender.

Mohammed apparently was staying in the home of another tribal leader, Sher Zaman, when the army helicopters attacked late Thursday. Residents said two of Zaman's grown-up sons, his grandson and an associate of Mohammed also were killed.

Mohammed's body was taken to his village of Kaloosha, about six miles west of Wana, where thousands of people attended his funeral on Friday. Villagers told the Agence France-Presse news agency that the ceremony was silent, devoid of customary speeches and attended by stunned tribesmen.

Mohammed - described as a turbaned, black-bearded warrior in his late 20s - wore his association with the hardline former Taleban regime with pride. Thousands will now die to avenge this assassination by the US-Musharaff devils.

The British Broadcasting Corp. has conducted at least two phone interviews with Mohammed in the past week, though it was not clear whether either of those calls was used to track him down.

In one of the interviews, Mohammed acknowledged foreigners were living in the tribal areas, but denied that they were terrorists. "Those foreigners who are living here are not terrorists — rather they are mujahedeen (holy warriors) who took part in the Afghan jihad," he said, a reference to the U.S.-backed war in the 1980s to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan.

“Many of them have been living in tribal areas for more than 15 years. They married locally, have built their own houses. Now under the pressure of the United States, Pakistan has launched its operation in South Waziristan against what they call al-Qaeda suspects. “

Q: Do you admit the presence of foreign people in Waziristan?

I admit that more than three million Afghan refugees migrated to Pakistan in the wake of Russian aggression against Afghanistan. Among them people of various races are included, like Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Pashtuns and Hazaras.

Q: It is said that you are a trained fighter because you have taken part in the Afghan wars.

Yes of course, I have spent a lot of time with the Taleban in Afghanistan. I went there soon after the completion of my religious education here. I fought alongside the Taleban against the Northern Alliance and then also against US aggression.

Story Nek told the BBC on June 18: "You know how the story of the capture of Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri’s son evolved. The Pakistan Army arrested one Ashraf Khan, son of Abdullah Khan, along with other innocent villagers during its latest operation in South Waziristan. As Ashraf is mentally ill, he told his interrogators that he was Khalid al-Zawahiri, son of al-Qaeda leader Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri. And soon the word spread that Dr al-Zawahiri’s son has been captured."

Q: What is your goal?
It is very clear. We want to eradicate the US-installed puppet governments in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Once we overthrow them, then there will be peace and no-one will be able to harm Muslims.

Wanted Tribal Leader Killed in Pakistan
Fri Jun 18,10:11 AM ET ; By AHSANULLAH WAZIR, Associated Press Writer

A helicopter assault on a mud-brick fortress near the Afghan border, the army spokesman said Friday. Nek Mohammed was tracked down by tracing an intercepted satellite phone call, a senior security official told. Six others were killed with Mohammed in the missile strike late Thursday